lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2007


This is the saddest myth I have read so far, and from now I will loathe Apollo and Diane with a burning passion.

Niobe claimed that she was worthier of respect than Athena, because she had fourteen children and Athena had only two. Athena heard this, and asked said two children to avenge her. They did so by killing all of her children.

Niobe was turned to stone, and a river of tears continuously flows from her eyes do to her never-ending grief.

I hate this myth. I'll admit that Niobe had it coming, talking like that, but did they really have to kill all her children? It wasn't their fault there mother was a loud-mouthed idiot. Apollo and Diane must have thought that this was more of a punishment than killing her, and I've realized by now that when it come to revenge the gods will stop at nothing.

Like the myth of Arachne, the moral here is: Don't brag, and especially don't say you're better than a god. Or anyone "better" than you, because they have the power to punish you severely.

1 comentario:

J. Tangen dijo...

There is something particular about this myth isn't there.