lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2007

Responses to Other People's Blogs

Sofia Linares-Stalin and Confucius: I hadn't thought about the whole deal of turning your parents in to be punished, and how wrong that is. I agree with her completely, kids should be loyal to their parents and cover up for them at all times. I've always found the idea of hitting your parents (physically) appalling, and turning your parents in can sometimes be like condemning them to death. It's outrageous, and people who do that need a serious lesson in respect.

Lorenza Rodriguez-Analects books 12-14: I disagree with what Lorenza says about the fact that you're happier if you give than if you receive. While that may be true for some people who are very noble, I don't think it applies to most of the world. A good example is World War II. In concentration camps, food was so scarce that everyone fought each other, and even killed each other, for it. That's also why stealing happens, and why people get envious. Humans are naturally selfish, and they like to have things, not just watch other people enjoy the things they want. Imagine you hadn't eaten for three weeks, and were staring to death. You see someone eating a fat, greasy turkey, and you don't get any. Would you be happy for that person, or would you think to yourself, "I WANT that turkey!!!"? Probably the latter, unless, of course, you are a strong, generous, and extremely selfless person.

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