lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2007


Minerva was the goddess of defensive war, agriculture, navigation, spinning, weaving, and needlework. One day she jumped out of Zeus' head, adult and dressed in armor.

She became the goddess of Athens after having won the city in a contest against Neptune. The gods had had a competition to see who got to be god of Athens, and the goal was to make the most useful creation to mankind.

Neptune made the horse, which can be used for hunting, war, transportation, and work. Minerva made the olive, which can be used for oil, food, cocktail parties, and decoration (I'm guessing what they were used for, by the way).

The gods said that the olive was most useful, and Minerva won Athens. Their decision kinda puzzled me, honestly. Why would think that the olive was most useful? Sure it can be used for food, but it's not that nourishing., and it can be used for oil, but that's not that important, whereas a horse is much more useful as transportation, hunting, war, and a sport; it is much more unique and irreplaceable than an olive. Maybe they figured that...olives were really good?

This also tells the tale of Arachne, who challenged Athens to a spinning contest. Though they hinted that Archne's painting was better than Minerva's (its virtues were more praised), she painted disparaging scenes about the gods, then felt really ashamed and guilty and hung herself. Minerva pitied her and turned her into a spider.

Maybe this was a sort of punishment towards Arachne. Minerva felt sorry for her, but not enough to turn her into a cute and cuddly little puppy, so she turned her into a horrible little creature that people enjoy killing.

I hate spiders.

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