miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2007


I don't really know what to think about the story. I really liked it, but I can't figure it out (which bothers me because I'm usually very good at figuring stuff). I guess that maybe I'm taking it too seriously, and it is not a serious metaphor about life but just an entertaining story someone thought up on a rainy afternoon.

Yet there were some part that I thought were actually pretty deep (or well thought at least).

One of them was the part where he was talking about how they were betting on numbers before the concept of numbers even existed. But weren't numbers always there? As long as there was something there were numbers (and though I have no idea what those two things were, they were something since they could think). and how could they think of numbers in the first place if the concept of numbers didn't exist?

I also like the way Qwfw predicts things that will happen before there isn't the slightest evidence that it's possible, such as that Mesopotamian part. I guess that if you were really brilliant and had trillions of years to spare, then you could look at something, decide what is the most likely thing to happen, then based on that (and all the circumstances surrounding it) you can figure out, once again, what will probably happen, then based on that....... So basically if you knew that it was in Jimmy's character to run across the street without looking both ways because of his education, and based on what the weather that will likely be on Saturday, and the fact that it's very probable that Jimmy's friend Tom will invite him to dinner because you could have guessed that from what was likely to happen to Tom that week, and that John and his girlfriend were completely incompatible and that they would break up at a party on a certain day (due to circumstances you could have guessed), and John would go out and gt drunk, then since it was in since his character he would drive over to hid girlfriend's house to yell at her, therefore would be drunk driving on the very same street Billy would be running across to see Tom and the two would collide and Billy would die. Then, since it was in Billy's mother's character to fall into a depression, she would, and his dad would kill himself because of both of them, causing his mom to be hated and shunned, so that she would kille herself too...... This could go on forever, and I'm not sure why I wasted so much time writing it. Anyway, if you could do that for every single person in the world and determine the effect each thing would have on the society, then you could predict what would happen in a millennium. You would need to be genius to do that, of course, and also have a REALLY long life, but it's possible (although I'm sorry, but if you manage to do that that means you REALLY times a thousand need to get a life). Also, it would be entirely likely that along the way you would make a mistake that would mess up your prediction up, which is probably why Qwfw never won those bets at the end. So that was probably my favorite aspect of the story.

I didn't like Dean much. He seemed very irritating, and I don't see why Qwfw chose to be his friend. Although I guess that if you live all lone in the universe with only a person like him for company, you wouldn't be too picky.

Anyway, that was basically my opinion of that short story. Like I said, I liked it, although I would be lying if I said I spent a long time trying to understand all the scientific nonsense they talked about.

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